Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.ARE YOU NOMINATING YOUR INSTITUTION /OTHER INSTITUTIONYOUR INSTITUTIONOTHER INSTITUTIONLayoutApplicant’s Name *Applicant’s Designation *LayoutApplicant's Email *Applicant’s Contact No.Applicant's Institution Website Applicant's Relationship with the Institution: (Owner / Employee / Business Associate / If any Other, please specify)We highly recommend that you let your Nominee Institution know that you are nominating them. After you submit your nomination, we will be contacting your Nominee Institution for further information -- and their cooperation and participation will be necessary. Surprises can be fun, but not always productive. Is your contact aware of your nomination?YESNOInstitution NameType of Institution: (Government / Private / If Any Other, Please Specify)Year of EstablishmentLayoutChairperson NameChancellor / Vice Chancellor NameLayoutDirector NamePrincipal NameLayoutRegistered AddressCityLayoutStatePincodeLayoutInstitution official EmailAlternate EmailInstitution WebsiteLayoutContact Number 1Contact Number 2Enter the details of the persons to whom we can contact regarding the awards. LayoutPrimary Contact Person 1st (Full Name)DesignationLayout (copy)Mobile No.EmailLayout (copy)Primary Contact Person 2nd (Full Name)DesignationLayout (copy) (copy)Mobile No.EmailAdditional DetailsApproval Body NameCourses OfferedLayoutNo. of Teaching StaffNo. of StudentsAny Skill Development Program OrganisedLayout (copy)Institution Pan No.Institution GST No.Infrastructure / Basic Facilities DetailsAccreditation / Certifications / Awards (if any)Is there anything else you would like to share about your Institution ?Submit